Most stale bots are anti-user and anti-contributor, but they don't have to be
If you’ve been around open source projects on GitHub you may have encountered a project with a stale bot.
Sometimes I regret using CalVer
Over the last few years, many open-source Python projects that I work on have switched to CalVer.
Narrative driven development
In July I published a blog post on using Dask on KubeFlow with the Dask Kubernetes Operator.
Don't prematurely squash/rebase and force push your PRs
A big frustration for me when reviewing Pull Requests on GitHub is coming back to a PR you’ve already reviewed to check on recent changes and be greeted with “We went looking everywhere, but couldn’t find those commits”.
Commenting on Pull Requests with GitHub Actions
When someone opens a Pull Request (PR) on your GitHub project it can be helpful for a bot to comment on the PR.
The secret to making code contributions that stand the test of time
When you contribute code to collaborative projects, whether they are open source community projects or large internal projects inside organisations, the feeling of having your code running inside a large application can be very rewarding.
Running Kubeflow inside Kind with GPU support
This week I’ve been playing around with Kubeflow as part of a larger effort to make it simpler to use Dask and RAPIDS in MLOps workflows.
Quick hack: Adding GPU support to kind
This post has been superseded with this tutorial that no longer requires any code changes. Please read that instead.
Don't be that open-source user, don't be me
Before I was a maintainer of open source software I was a user of open source software, and I sometimes behaved badly.
How to check out the default git branch
Many open source projects are taking steps to update terminology to be more inclusive. The largest of these changes has been renaming the “trunk” branch of git repositories from master to main.
Leveraging the Hacktoberfest community
Hacktoberfest is approaching once again. In previous years I have both participated and contributed to open source, and also tried to leverage the community in the open source projects I maintain by curating and labeling issues.
Running Dask tutorials
Aug 21, 2020 20 minute read #python, #dask, #distributed-computing, #open-source, #community, #tutorials ArchiveOriginally published on the Dask blog on August 21st, 2020. For the last couple of months we’ve been running community tutorials every three weeks or so.