Creating GitHub Releases automatically on tags
GitHub Releases is a feature where you can create a page associated with a git tag that contains a description of the changes in that tag along with build artifacts for users to download.
Commenting on Pull Requests with GitHub Actions
When someone opens a Pull Request (PR) on your GitHub project it can be helpful for a bot to comment on the PR. You might want to thank the user for the contribution, provide some useful information such as giving a binder link where folks can try out the PR, or providing more verbose output from some tests or other checks.
How to interactively debug GitHub Actions with netcat
Update: This was a fun experiment and I recommend you check out the post for a fun read on setting up reverse shells. But I’ve since discovered this awesome tmate action which lets you interactively debug in the browser or via SSH.
Testing static sites with Lighthouse CI and GitHub Actions
Feb 13, 2020 7 minute read #python, #github, #tutorial, #github-actions, #static-sites, #lighthouse-ciWhen you build a website you want pages to load as quickly as possible for users. Google has a tool called PageSpeed Insights which you can run on your website to see various metrics about the page. I’ve used it in the past while working on my blog and other sites.
Creating GitHub Actions in Python
Note: This post is also available in Go flavour.
GitHub Actions provide a way to automate your software development workflows on GitHub. This includes traditional CI/CD tasks on all three major operating systems such as running test suites, building applications and publishing packages. But it also includes automated greetings for new contributors, labelling pull requests based on the files changed, or even creating cron jobs to perform scheduled tasks.
Creating GitHub Actions in Go
Note: This post is also available in Python flavour.
GitHub Actions provide a way to automate your software development workflows on GitHub. This includes traditional CI/CD tasks on all three major operating systems such as running test suites, building applications and publishing packages. But it also includes automated greetings for new contributors, labelling pull requests based on the files changed, or even creating cron jobs to perform scheduled tasks.