Creating GitHub Releases automatically on tags
GitHub Releases is a feature where you can create a page associated with a git tag that contains a description of the changes in that tag along with build artifacts for users to download.
Commenting on Pull Requests with GitHub Actions
When someone opens a Pull Request (PR) on your GitHub project it can be helpful for a bot to comment on the PR.
How to interactively debug GitHub Actions with netcat
Update: This was a fun experiment and I recommend you check out the post for a fun read on setting up reverse shells.
Testing static sites with Lighthouse CI and GitHub Actions
Feb 13, 2020 7 minute read #python, #github, #tutorial, #github-actions, #static-sites, #lighthouse-ciWhen you build a website you want pages to load as quickly as possible for users.
Creating GitHub Actions in Python
Note: This post is also available in Go flavour. GitHub Actions provide a way to automate your software development workflows on GitHub.
Creating GitHub Actions in Go
Note: This post is also available in Python flavour. GitHub Actions provide a way to automate your software development workflows on GitHub.