Creating an open source Python project from scratch
Part 1: Creating an open source Python project from scratch
Have you had a great idea for an open-source Python library that you think people will find useful, but you don’t know where to begin in creating and publishing it?
Part 2: Versioning and formatting your Python code
In this post, we will cover a few project hygiene things that we may want to put into place to make our lives easier in the future.
Part 3: Publishing open source Python packages on GitHub, PyPI and Conda Forge
In this post we will cover making our code available to people. This is the bit where we open the source!
Part 4: Documenting your Python code
This post will cover documenting our code. Specifically adding documentation within the code itself. Docstrings Right now our code is undocumented, so if the user inspects our function they will only see the interface (the way you call it) but with no other context.
Part 5: Testing your Python package
In this post we will cover testing our code. Testing There are many many great resources out there for learning about testing software.
Part 6: Test driven development in Python
What is test driven development (TDD)? Test driven development is a style of development where you write your tests before you write your code.
Part 7: Testing and Continuous Integration for Python packages with GitHub Actions
In this post we will cover automatically running our tests when we push new code to GitHub, and when contributors raise Pull Requests against our project.
Part 8: Automating releases of Python packages with GitHub Actions
In this post we will cover automatically packaging and releasing our project when a new git tag is pushed to GitHub.
Part 9: Documenting Python projects with Sphinx and Read the Docs
In part four of this series we discussed documenting our code as we went along by adding docstrings throughout out project.
Part 10: Building a user community for your open source project
Now that our open source Python project exists and users can install it we will want to turn our attention to sustainability, reach and ongoing maintenance.
Part 11: Communicating with your open source community
Once your open source Python project has users and a community you will likely want to communicate with them in an official capacity.
Part 12: Building a contributor community for your open source project
With our open source project published on GitHub we probably want to allow folks to contribute changes.
Part 13: Branding your open source Python package
Having a brand can help give your open source project some legitimacy, and you don’t need to be a designer to see these benefits.