Accelerating ETL on KubeFlow with RAPIDS
Aug 30, 2022 11 minute read #dask, #etl, #kubeflow, #pandas, #rapids, #technical-walkthrough ArchiveIn the machine learning and MLOps world, GPUs are widely used to speed up model training and inference, but what about the other stages of the workflow like ETL pipelines or hyperparameter optimization?
What is the difference between Dask and RAPIDS?
Both Dask and RAPIDS are Python libraries to scale your workflow and empower you to process more data and leverage more compute resources.
Monitoring Dask + RAPIDS with Prometheus + Grafana
Prometheus is a popular monitoring tool within the cloud community. It has out-of-the-box integration with popular platforms including Kubernetes, Open Stack, and the major cloud vendors, and integrates with dashboarding tools like Grafana.
Setting up GPU Data Science Environments for Hackathons
Originally published on the RAPIDS AI blog on August 13th, 2019. Background In my first week working at NVIDIA, I have been spending some time with my previous colleagues at the Met Office to explore how the two organizations can collaborate.