How to create a seal only token for Hashicorp Vault
Introduction When using Hashicorp’s Vault you may want to have an authentication token which only has permissions to seal the vault.
Fixing the SSH roaming vulnerability (CVE-2016-0777)
A vulnerability in the OpenSSH client has been discovered which means that if you SSH to a compromised server the server can steal your private key.
Amazon S3: s3cmd put ([Errno 32] Broken pipe)
Recently I decided to use Amazon’s S3 as another location to store some of my server backups.
Ubuntu setup 2010
I am now happy with my Ubuntu installation. After a small hiccup earlier where it decided not to do an update properly, disable my mouse and keyboard and then ask for a password for them to be re-enabled.
Back to Ubuntu
For as long as I’ve been interested in computers I’ve been interested in linux. I was introduced to it by a friend at school when I was 13, we installed mandrake in vmware.