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  • How to create a seal only token for Hashicorp Vault

    1 minute read #hashicorp, #vault, #token, #security, #linux, #infrastructure


    When using Hashicorp’s Vault you may want to have an authentication token which only has permissions to seal the vault. This can then be used in an emergency situation to seal the vault, perhaps through a chatbot.

  • Fixing the SSH roaming vulnerability (CVE-2016-0777)

    2 minute read #vulnerability, #ssh, #os-x, #linux, #cve-2016-0777

    A vulnerability in the OpenSSH client has been discovered which means that if you SSH to a compromised server the server can steal your private key. This affects any operating system with OpenSSH client 5.4 and above, which is pretty much all flavors of linux and OS X.

  • Amazon S3: s3cmd put ([Errno 32] Broken pipe)

    2 minute read #aws, #error, #linux, #s3, #terminal

    Recently I decided to use Amazon’s S3 as another location to store some of my server backups. However I found when testing that I was unable to upload my backup tarballs to S3. I ended up with the following errors.

  • Ubuntu setup 2010

    1 minute read #linux, #ubuntu

    I am now happy with my Ubuntu installation. After a small hiccup earlier where it decided not to do an update properly, disable my mouse and keyboard and then ask for a password for them to be re-enabled. Solved with a trusty USB mouse and onscreen keyboard. I have managed to find a PHP/HTML/JS editor to my liking. I have looked through a few more since my post last night and have settled on Komodo. It highlights my code properly, auto completes functions and even highlights closing tags when you select the opening one which is going to make my life with tables and divs a hell of a lot easier. Definitly a viable replacement for Dreamweaver as the only thing I missed was the colour scheme which has easily been remedied in the settings.

  • Back to Ubuntu

    3 minute read #linux, #ubuntu

    For as long as I’ve been interested in computers I’ve been interested in linux. I was introduced to it by a friend at school when I was 13, we installed mandrake in vmware. We only admired it for a few minutes and then deleted it. He later introduced me to ubuntu and he began using it as his only operating system and still does to this day. I personally couldn’t move from Windows mainly due to gaming but also because I can’t stand to lose photoshop, dreamweaver etc. I also have a problem with wine, vmware and virtualbox, why emulate windows when you can just run it.