Creating GitHub Releases automatically on tags
GitHub Releases is a feature where you can create a page associated with a git tag that contains a description of the changes in that tag along with build artifacts for users to download.
How to install the vSphere 5.5 Client on Windows 8
If you’ve tried installing the vSphere 5.5 client on Windows 8 you may have received the following error message
How to install OS X Yosemite Developer Preview Beta in Virtualbox
Jun 7, 2014 3 minute read #apple, #developer-preview, #guide, #os-x, #terminal, #virtualbox, #yosemiteLike me you may be excited about the Developer Preview Beta of OS X 10.10 Yosemite and want to try it out, but you don’t want to deal with a buggy system between now and the general release.
How to use text expansion in OS X 10.9 Mavericks
Since the upgrade to OS X 10.9 Mavericks and iOS 7 you may have noticed that your text expansion shortcuts from iOS have found their way onto your Mac.
How to make screen recordings in OS X Mavericks 10.9
Did you know that you don’t need any additional software to make high quality, watermark free screen recordings in OS X Mavericks 10.
How to prepare for a hackathon
So this weekend I’ll be taking part in the 2014 NASA Space Apps Challenge. This time around I’ll be leading a team, rather than just joining one on the day, so I feel like I have to be extra prepared.
Convert tweet hashtags, at-tags and urls to links with PHP and Regular Expressions
Now of course if you’re using the Twitter API you can use Twitter entities but in this tutorial we’re going to use regular expressions.
Using background-position and sprite sheets to stop icon hover flicker
While updating the theme on this blog I added some links to my social websites. I made these links in the form of images which were black and white and become coloured when hovered over.
How to query a database with AJAX and display as a tooltip
This post began as an answer on Stack Overflow to a question on ‘How to query a database with AJAX and display as a tooltip‘.
Guide to repairing TFT monitor scratches
About a year and a half ago I was working on a guitar modification and dropped part of the modified casing on my laptop.