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Why don't my markdown titles work sometimes?

3 minute read #markdown, #github, #obsidian, #hugo, #sphinx, #myst

I write a lot of markdown. I use it on GitHub when creating issues/PRs, I use it in Obsidian when I take notes, I use it in Hugo when writing blog posts (like this one), I use it in Jupyter Notebooks when working with data and I use it in Sphinx with MyST when writing documentation.

Therefore, I make a lot of markdown titles, but sometimes they don’t work (tl;dr skip to the answer).

# This is an H1

## This is an H2

### This is an H3

#### This is an H4, and so on...

#### This title should work

Look 👆 this title is broken. This happens to me from time to time and I could never figure out why. If we look at the markdown it looks like this.

#### This title should work

In VSCode it gets highlighted as a title.

A screenshot showing the VSCode highlighting which highlights the line as a title

But GitHub, Obsidian, Hugo, Jupyter and Sphinx all fail to render it correctly.

Update: Looks like GitHub has fixed this!

It makes me feel like I’m going crazy. Especially when I type out exactly the same thing underneath and it works.

#### This title works

#### This title should also work but doesn't

#### This title works though! Whyyyy!

Renders as:

This title works

#### This title should also work but doesn’t

This title works though! Whyyyy!

Here’s the answer why

Sometimes I accidentally type the wrong kind of space!

On a Mac you type the # character by pressing option + 3. When typing a title you type a bunch of # characters and then a space (unicode \x20). However, if you accidentally keep holding down option and type option + space you get a non-breaking space (unicode \xa0).

Update: Turns out this is a UK specific thing! In other keyboard language settings the # is typed with shift + 3, and £ is typed with option + 3. I guess that it makes sense for the £ to be more accessible than # for most UK Mac users.

A non-breaking space looks exactly the same as a space, but is not considered as whitespace.

#### A title with non-breaking spaces

#### A title with normal spaces

Whenever this happens to me I’ve accidentally typed a non-breaking space after the hashes and the markdown parser considers it as one long word. Here’s a little example of this in Python:

# Here's a title with all normal spaces
>>> "#### This title does work".split("\x20")
['####', 'This', 'title', 'does', 'work']

# Here's a title with an accidental non-breaking space
>>> "#### This title should work".split("\x20")
['####\xa0This', 'title', 'should', 'work']

So if this happens to you and you can’t figure out why your titles aren’t rendering, check your spaces!

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