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Running Dask workloads on multiple cluster backends with zero code changes using dask-ctl

3 minute read #python, #dask, #dask-ctl, #distributed-computing

Sometimes you want to write some code using Dask which can then be run against multiple different cluster backends. For example for local testing you might want to use LocalCLuster, but in production use KubeCluster. Or perhaps you want to easily switch between an on premise HPC with SLURMRunner or the cloud with Coiled.

You could write this logic into your code via a series of if statements, but mixing cluster lifecycle code and application code is a poor separation of concerns.

Instead you should use dask-ctl to specify everything as a YAML config file.

Example problem

To get started let’s create an example Dask script that maps a function over a data structure in parallel.

from dask.distributed import LocalCluster, Client

cluster = LocalCluster()
client = Client(cluster)

def double(x):
    """Double an integer."""
    return x * 2

data = range(10)  # Start with a list of number 0-99
futures = client.map(double, data)  # Map our function over our data
results = client.gather(futures)  # Gather the results
# [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18]

When we run this code we create a local Dask cluster, connect a client to it and then submit some work.

However, if we want to use a different cluster backend in different deployment scenarios we have to modify our application to handle creating something other than LocalCluster, and we probably need to introduce some config system to choose which cluster to use. This can add a lot of complexity to an application, and this kind of code often gets duplicated between projects.

Creating clusters with dask-ctl

To avoid this we can use the dask_ctl.lifecycle submodule to create our clusters for us.

import dask_ctl.lifecycle
from dask.distributed import Client

cluster = dask_ctl.lifecycle.create_cluster(local_fallback=True)
client = Client(cluster)

def double(x):
    """Double an integer."""
    return x * 2

data = range(10)  # Start with a list of number 0-99
futures = client.map(double, data)  # Map our function over our data
results = client.gather(futures)  # Gather the results
# [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18]

When we call dask_ctl.create_cluster() it looks for a cluster spec file located in the same directory named dask-cluster.yaml. You can override the default path to the cluster spec file by passing it as a keyword-argument.

create_cluster("/path/to/my-cluster.yaml", local_fallback=True)
This can also be set with the DASK_CTL__CLUSTER_SPEC environment variable.

Also by setting local_fallback=True if no file is found then it will create a LocalCluster using the default configuration.

This way our code behaves as expected when ran locally, but if we deployed it to a production environment we could also supply a dask-cluster.yaml file that describes the type of cluster we want to use.

Here’s an example config file that would launch a cluster using dask-kubernetes.

# dask-cluster.yaml
version: 1
module: "dask_kubernetes.operator"
class: "KubeCluster"
  name: "foo"
  namespace: "bar"
  image: "ghcr.io/dask/dask:latest"
  n_workers: 20

Switching backends quickly

You may also want to keep multiple different backend configs in your project.

├── cluster-a.yaml  # Spec for Cluster A (e.g Kubernetes)
├── cluster-b.yaml  # Spec for Cluster B (e.g HPC)
└── myscript.py

Then you can switch to them quickly with an environment variable.

$ DASK_CTL__CLUSTER_SPEC="cluster-a.yaml" python myscript.py
Running on Kubernetes backend
$ DASK_CTL__CLUSTER_SPEC="cluster-b.yaml" python myscript.py
Running on HPC backend

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