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Comparison of kr8s vs other Python libraries for Kubernetes

11 minute read #kubernetes, #python, #kr8s, #lightkube, #pykube-ng, #kubernetes-asyncio

I’ve been working on kr8s for a while now and one of my core goals is to build a Python library for Kubernetes that is the most simple, readable and produces the most maintainable code. It should enable folks to write dumb code when working with Kubernetes.

In this post I want to compare how kr8s is doing in achieving that goal by comparing it against the other Kubernetes libraries out there. This isn’t intended to be a demonstration of why kr8s is “better” than the other libraries, I’m just trying to think out loud, build in public and take a step back and see whether kr8s is hitting it’s target.

I’m going to draw on code examples from the docs of all of the libraries I am comparing against along with examples from dask-kubernetes, which is the primary place I am using kr8s in my own work. I’ll then rewrite each example with each library in a style that aims to satisfy the goals kr8s aspires to.

I’ll be subjectively comparing them by the following goals:

Here are some non-goals of kr8s, which may be strengths of the other libraries I am comparing against, but will not be considered when comparing them:

Its important to note that this is probably not a fair comparison because the other libraries have different strengths and goals. If you are using this post to choose between them then it is down to you to exercise your own judgement on which strengths are important to you.

The other libraries

Here’s a table of the libraries I’ll be comparing against and their self-described strengths.

Name Sync Asyncio Strengths
kubernetes • Official library.
• Exactly the same features / API objects in both client-python and the Kubernetes version due to auto generation.
kubernetes-asyncio • Semi-official asyncio version of kubernetes.
pykube-ng • Lightweight client.
• HTTP interface using requests using kubeconfig for authentication.
• Python native querying of Kubernetes API objects
lightkube • Extensive type hints to avoid common mistakes and to support autocompletion.
• Models and resources generated from the swagger specifications using standard dataclasses.
• Support for installing a specific version of the kubernetes models (1.15 to 1.27).
• Lazy instantiation of inner models.

Note that kr8s and lightkube support both sync and async usage, so I will include examples using both APIs.

If you are the author of one of the libraries I am comparing against I want to take a moment to say thank you for all of your hard work. Your library has inspired much of the work here.

My goal with kr8s is to simply add another option with a different emphasis. If you feel like I’ve misrepresented your work or if any of these comparisons are unfair or could be done better then please reach out to me so I can improve them.


To run these comparisons I have done the following steps.

Create a new Kubernetes cluster with kind.

$ kind create cluster 

Create a new Python environment with conda.

$ conda create -n k8s-comparison python=3.10 ipython
$ conda activate k8s-comparison

Install the packages.

$ pip install kubernetes kubernetes-asyncio pykube-ng lightkube kr8s


For each comparison I will take a code example from one of the libraries and rewrite it for each library. I’ll aim to keep with the style the example was written in. I may make some modifications to the original example to ensure it can be copy and pasted into a python terminal to be reproduced or to just tweak it in the interest of fairness.

Let’s get started!

List nodes

Goal: Print out all of the node names in the cluster.

Source: lightkube docs homepage example.

To do this with kubectl we can get the nodes and output the names.

$ kubectl get nodes -o name
import kr8s

for node in kr8s.get("nodes"):
from kubernetes import client, config


v1 = client.CoreV1Api()
for node in v1.list_node().items:
import pykube

api = pykube.HTTPClient(pykube.KubeConfig.from_file())
for node in pykube.Node.objects(api):
from lightkube import Client
from lightkube.resources.core_v1 import Node

client = Client()
for node in client.list(Node):
import kr8s.asyncio

for node in await kr8s.asyncio.get("nodes"):
Maybe this would feel better as an async for? I might change this in kr8s.
from kubernetes_asyncio import client, config
from kubernetes_asyncio.client.api_client import ApiClient

await config.load_kube_config()

async with ApiClient() as api:
    v1 = client.CoreV1Api(api)
    nodes = await v1.list_node()
    for node in nodes.items:
from lightkube import AsyncClient
from lightkube.resources.core_v1 import Node

client = AsyncClient()
async for node in client.list(Node):

List all Pods

Goal: List all Pods in all namespaces and print their IP, namespace and name.

Source: kubernetes-asyncio README

To do this with kubectl we can

$ kubectl get pods -A --no-headers -o custom-columns="IP:.status.podIP,NAMESPACE:.metadata.namespace,NAME:.metadata.name"
import kr8s

for pod in kr8s.get("pods", namespace=kr8s.ALL):
    print(pod.status.podIP, pod.metadata.namespace, pod.metadata.name)
from kubernetes import client, config

api_client = client.CoreV1Api()

for pod in api_client.list_pod_for_all_namespaces().items:
    print(pod.status.pod_ip, pod.metadata.namespace, pod.metadata.name)
import pykube

api = pykube.HTTPClient(pykube.KubeConfig.from_file())
for pod in pykube.Pod.objects(api).filter(namespace=pykube.all):
    print(pod.obj["status"]["podIP"], pod.namespace, pod.name)
from lightkube import Client, ALL_NS
from lightkube.resources.core_v1 import Pod

client = Client()
for i in client.list(Pod, namespace=ALL_NS):
    print(i.status.podIP, i.metadata.namespace, i.metadata.name)
import kr8s

for pod in await kr8s.asyncio.get("pods", namespace=kr8s.ALL):
      print(pod.status.podIP, pod.metadata.namespace, pod.metadata.name)
from kubernetes_asyncio import client, config
from kubernetes_asyncio.client.api_client import ApiClient

await config.load_kube_config()

async with ApiClient() as api:
    v1 = client.CoreV1Api(api)
    ret = await v1.list_pod_for_all_namespaces()
    for i in ret.items:
        print(i.status.pod_ip, i.metadata.namespace, i.metadata.name)
I removed the event loop creation boilerplate to make this more readable.
from lightkube import AsyncClient, ALL_NS
from lightkube.resources.core_v1 import Pod

client = AsyncClient()
async for i in client.list(Pod, namespace=ALL_NS):
    print(i.status.podIP, i.metadata.namespace, i.metadata.name)

Get ready Pods

Goal: Get a list of Pod resources that have the Ready=True condition.

Source: pykube-ng docs README usage example

To do this with kubectl we can use kubectl get pods with a jsonpath output to filter on the ready condition.

$ kubectl -n kube-system get pods -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{.status.containerStatuses[*].ready.true}{.metadata.name}{"\n"}{end}'
import kr8s

for pod in kr8s.get("pods", namespace="kube-system"):
    if pod.ready():
from kubernetes import client, config

api_client = client.CoreV1Api()

def check_ready(pod):
    ready = [c.status for c in pod.status.conditions if c.type == "Ready"]
    return ready and all(ready)

pods = api_client.list_namespaced_pod("kube-system").items
for pod in filter(check_ready, pods):
import pykube

api = pykube.HTTPClient(pykube.KubeConfig.from_file())
for pod in pykube.Pod.objects(api).filter(namespace="kube-system"):
    if pod.ready:
from lightkube import Client
from lightkube.resources.core_v1 import Pod

def check_ready(pod):
    ready = [c.status for c in pod.status.conditions if c.type == "Ready"]
    return ready and all(ready)

client = Client()
for pod in client.list(Pod, namespace="kube-system"):
    if check_ready(pod):
import kr8s

for pod in await kr8s.asyncio.get("pods", namespace="kube-system"):
    if await pod.ready():
from kubernetes_asyncio import client, config
from kubernetes_asyncio.client.api_client import ApiClient

await config.load_kube_config()

def check_ready(pod):
    ready = [c.status for c in pod.status.conditions if c.type == "Ready"]
    return ready and all(ready)

async with ApiClient() as api:
    v1 = client.CoreV1Api(api) 
    pods = await v1.list_namespaced_pod("kube-system")
    for pod in filter(check_ready, pods.items):
from lightkube import AsyncClient
from lightkube.resources.core_v1 import Pod

def check_ready(pod):
    ready = [c.status for c in pod.status.conditions if c.type == "Ready"]
    return ready and all(ready)

client = AsyncClient()
async for pod in client.list(Pod, namespace="kube-system"):
    if check_ready(pod):

Get pods by label selector

Goal: Starting from a dictionary containing a label selector get all Pods from all namespaces matching that label.

Source: pykube-ng docs .

To do this with kubectl we can use the -A flag for all namespaces and a label selector.

$ kubectl get po -A -l "component=kube-scheduler"
import kr8s

selector = {'component': 'kube-scheduler'}

for pod in kr8s.get("pods", namespace=kr8s.ALL, label_selector=selector):
    print(pod.namespace, pod.name)
from kubernetes import client, config

selector = {'component': 'kube-scheduler'}
selector_str = ",".join([f"{key}={value}" for key, value in selector.items()])


v1 = client.CoreV1Api()
for pods in v1.list_pod_for_all_namespaces(label_selector=selector_str, ).items:
    print(pod.metadata.namespace, pod.metadata.name)
import pykube

selector = {'component': 'kube-scheduler'}

api = pykube.HTTPClient(pykube.KubeConfig.from_file())
for pod in pykube.Pod.objects(api).filter(namespace=pykube.all, selector=selector):
    print(pod.namespace, pod.name)
from lightkube import Client, ALL_NS
from lightkube.resources.core_v1 import Pod

selector = {'component': 'kube-scheduler'}

client = Client()
for pod in client.list(Pod, labels=selector, namespace=ALL_NS):
    print(pod.metadata.namespace, pod.metadata.name)
import kr8s

selector = {'component': 'kube-scheduler'}

for pod in await kr8s.asyncio.get("pods", namespace=kr8s.ALL, label_selector=selector):
    print(pod.namespace, pod.name)
from kubernetes_asyncio import client, config
from kubernetes_asyncio.client.api_client import ApiClient

selector = {'component': 'kube-scheduler'}
selector_str = ",".join([f"{key}={value}" for key, value in selector.items()])

await config.load_kube_config()

async with ApiClient() as api:
    v1 = client.CoreV1Api(api)
    pods = await v1.list_pod_for_all_namespaces(label_selector=selector_str)
    for pod in pods.items:
        print(pod.metadata.namespace, pod.metadata.name)
from lightkube import AsyncClient, ALL_NS
from lightkube.resources.core_v1 import Pod

selector = {'component': 'kube-scheduler'}

client = AsyncClient()
async for pod in client.list(Pod, labels=selector, namespace=ALL_NS):
    print(pod.metadata.namespace, pod.metadata.name)

Simple labelling operator

Goal: Write an operator controller that periodically reconciles all deployments and adds a label to any with a certain annotation.

Source: pykube-ng docs on how to write an operator.

You probably wouldn’t do this with kubectl but if you wanted to you would do something like running a loop and listing all deployments with the annotation, piping that into another kubectl command to add the label and then sleeping.

$ while true; do kubectl get deploy -o=jsonpath='{.items[?(@.spec.template.metadata.annotations.pykube-test-operator)].metadata.name}' | xargs kubectl label deploy - foo=bar; sleep 15; done
import kr8s, time

while True:
    for deploy in kr8s.get("deployments", namespace=kr8s.ALL):
        if 'pykube-test-operator' in deploy.annotations:
from kubernetes import client, config
import time

appsv1 = client.AppsV1Api()

while True:
    for deploy in appsv1.list_deployment_for_all_namespaces().items:
        if 'pykube-test-operator' in deploy.metadata.annotations:
                body={"metadata": {"labels": {"foo": "bar"}}}
import pykube, time

api = pykube.HTTPClient(pykube.KubeConfig.from_env())

while True:
    for deploy in pykube.Deployment.objects(api, namespace=pykube.all):
        if 'pykube-test-operator' in deploy.annotations:
            deploy.labels['foo'] = 'bar'
I tweaked the original and moved the api client creation outside of the loop. It felt unecessary to do this every time.
from lightkube import Client, ALL_NS
from lightkube.resources.apps_v1 import Deployment
import time

client = Client()

while True:
    for deploy in client.list(Deployment, namespace=ALL_NS):
        if 'pykube-test-operator' in deploy.metadata.annotations:
                obj={"metadata": {"labels": {"foo": "bar"}}}
import kr8s, asyncio

while True:
    for deploy in await kr8s.asyncio.get("deployments", namespace=kr8s.ALL):
        if 'pykube-test-operator' in deploy.annotations:
            await deploy.label(foo="bar")
    await asyncio.sleep(15)
from kubernetes_asyncio import client, config
from kubernetes_asyncio.client.api_client import ApiClient
import asyncio

await config.load_kube_config()

async with ApiClient() as api:
    appsv1 = client.AppsV1Api(api)
    while True:
        deployments = await appsv1.list_deployment_for_all_namespaces()
        for deploy in deployments.items:
            if 'pykube-test-operator' in deploy.metadata.annotations:
                await appsv1.patch_namespaced_deployment(
                    body={"metadata": {"labels": {"foo": "bar"}}}
        await asyncio.sleep(15)
from lightkube import AsyncClient, ALL_NS
from lightkube.resources.apps_v1 import Deployment
import asyncio

client = AsyncClient()

while True:
    async for deploy in client.list(Deployment, namespace=ALL_NS):
        if 'pykube-test-operator' in deploy.metadata.annotations:
            await client.patch(
                obj={"metadata": {"labels": {"foo": "bar"}}}
    await asyncio.sleep(15)

Scale a deployment

Goal: Scale the deployment metrics-server in the namespace kube-system to 1 replica.

Source: LightKube Quickstart documentation

To do this with kubectl we can do:

$ kubectl scale -n kube-system deployment metrics-server --replicas=1
from kr8s.objects import Deployment

deploy = Deployment("metrics-server", namespace="kube-system")
from kubernetes import client, config

appsv1 = client.AppsV1Api()

    "metrics-server", "kube-system", {'spec': {'replicas': 1}}
from pykube import Deployment, HTTPClient, KubeConfig

api = HTTPClient(KubeConfig.from_file())
deploy = Deployment.objects(api).get(name="metrics-server", namespace="kube-system")
from lightkube import Client
from lightkube.resources.apps_v1 import Deployment
from lightkube.models.meta_v1 import ObjectMeta
from lightkube.models.autoscaling_v1 import ScaleSpec

client = Client()
obj = Deployment.Scale(
    metadata=ObjectMeta(name='metrics-server', namespace='kube-system'),
from kr8s.asyncio.objects import Deployment

deploy = await Deployment("metrics-server", namespace="kube-system")
await deploy.scale(1)
from kubernetes_asyncio import client, config
from kubernetes_asyncio.client.api_client import ApiClient

await config.load_kube_config()

async with ApiClient() as api:
    appsv1 = client.AppsV1Api(api)

    await appsv1.patch_namespaced_deployment_scale(
        "metrics-server", "kube-system", {'spec': {'replicas': 1}}
from lightkube import AsynClient
from lightkube.resources.apps_v1 import Deployment
from lightkube.models.meta_v1 import ObjectMeta
from lightkube.models.autoscaling_v1 import ScaleSpec

client = AsyncClient()
obj = Deployment.Scale(
    metadata=ObjectMeta(name='metrics-server', namespace='kube-system'),
await client.replace(obj)


In a nutshell, after digging into the various Kubernetes Python libraries, it’s safe to say that kr8s is on the right track. My main goal here was not to pick a winner but to see if kr8s is hitting its marks of being simple, readable, and maintainable. And it looks like it is!

Throughout the comparison, a few key things stood out:

It feels like kubectl, kr8s manages to feel familiar, which is great. If you know kubectl, you’ll find kr8s approachable.

Keeping things simple is at the core of kr8s and it does a good job of keeping characters to a minimum while remaining readable.

I’ve also found it interesting to see just how verbose kubernetes_asyncio is. It’s the library we were primarily using in dask-kubernetes and fuelled the need to find something more readable and maintainable. When I assessed the alternatives before building kr8s I disregarded lightkube as the README has a warning about being experimental and not ready for use, but actually it seems in a pretty good state today. It is definitely more verbose than kr8s but there are clear and obvious benefits such as type safety that come with those extra characters.

In the world of Kubernetes Python libraries, it’s all about options. kr8s is a strong contender for those who want a simple, readable, and maintainable Kubernetes experience. But there are other compelling options out there too. Cheers to open source and the freedom to choose the tools that work best for you! 🚀

Have thoughts?

I love hearing feedback on my posts. You should head over to Twitter and let me know what you think!

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