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My Bio

2 minute read #bio

From time to time I give talks and run workshops and folks will ask me for a bio. You may even be one of those folks and I’ve directed you to this page! Huzzah the system works!

Here’s a bunch of different length bio’s that anyone is welcome to use if you’re organizing an event and you need a bio for me.

Note: This page may be updated from time to time.

My current profile picture

General bio’s of various lengths


Jacob Tomlinson is a software engineer at NVIDIA.


Jacob Tomlinson is a senior software engineer at NVIDIA. His work involves maintaining open source projects including RAPIDS and Dask. He also tinkers with kr8s in his spare time. He lives in Exeter, UK.


Jacob Tomlinson is a senior Python software engineer at NVIDIA with a focus on deployment tooling for distributed systems. His work involves maintaining open source projects including RAPIDS and Dask. RAPIDS is a suite of GPU accelerated open source Python tools which mimic APIs from the PyData stack including those of Numpy, Pandas and SciKit-Learn. Dask provides advanced parallelism for analytics with out-of-core computation, lazy evaluation and distributed execution of the PyData stack. He also tinkers with the open source Kubernetes Python framework kr8s in his spare time. Jacob volunteers with the local tech community group Tech Exeter and lives in Exeter, UK.